Thursday, June 18, 2015

Today the middle school went to the Museum! We got to go to a special education room to learn all about volcanoes and pretended to be volcanologists! We then got to explore the whole museum, check out the photos.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Whats happening in week 4?

This week at Kiwican room 6 learnt about being responsible. The Kiwican leaders taught the value of responsibility wonderfully as room 6 has show great responsibility bring their swimming gear to school every day! Well done room 6 and thank you Kiwican!

Last week the Circus Challenge Show visited Kelston Primary. We watched a brilliant show and then got to try out some of the circus skills. Check out these cool tricks!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Cross country

Today the whole school participated in cross country. Congratulations to Belle-Grace and Jeremiah who won their races placing first for the Middle school girls and boys! Well done to all the children for a great effort!

Duffy books

At Kelston children are very lucky because they get Duffy books. Owens transport helps to provide the children with brand new books. We had a special assembly on Monday where the children were presented 2 free books each. How lucky are we! 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Star Dome and One Tree Hill trip

The middle syndicate had a great day learning about seasons at the star done observatory and One Tree Hill today! Check out the photos! 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Seasons art

Room 6 enjoyed doing art this afternoon working to create a picture showing the four seasons. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Make it rain!

Today we did a science experiment to learn about why it rains! We learnt that it rains when the clouds become too heavy with water. 


All children have been working very hard during writing. At the end of each writing lesson we sit in a helping circle where children share their writing with others, give feedback and make improvements. Here's some photos of the hard work! 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

All but one of our 6 Monarchs have now hatched and flown away! Today we were finally there when one hatched. Here are a few photos before we released the smallest one into the world. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Today the entire school went to Cornwallis beach and had a great day!! Thank you to all the parents who came along and to the kids for showing excellent behavior!